Aaron Neal

Business Development

United States

Aaron Neal is a career Technologist and Educator. Aaron’s work in Emerging Tech started with his entry into the music industry after his return home from college in 2011. After his first few years working in several roles in the music industry, his path and career plan in the music industry would take a dramatic turn when he discovered he had music in other countries that he was unaware of, and was unable to claim his ownership of the content. It was then that Aaron’s focus shifted from just music, to entertainment technology and education, aiming to solve this widespread issue in his industry. It was in this pursuit that Aaron was introduced to Blockchain technology; learning how to implement the technology into the consumer market and how it could help his creative community. Now, after years in the entertainment and tech industries concurrently, founding 4+ EntTech companies, years as a college professor, working with brands and companies large and small on Web3 tech applications for consumers, training creative entrepreneurs and artists how to utilize these new technologies to enhance their work and careers, Aaron continues to be passionate in working with young entrepreneurs, small businesses, and creatives on how the use of emerging technologies and help bridge the gap between companies and their customers to be impactful to their communities.

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