A button or feature on most social media platforms that allows users to express approval or agreement with a post or piece of content.
Data and metrics collected by social media platforms to track user behavior and engagement with content.
Social media diplomacy is the use of social media platforms by governments, organizations, or individuals to communicate, engage, and influence audiences, build relationships, and advance diplomatic objectives. It leverages the reach and immediacy of social media to foster dialogue, address global issues, and promote transparency and mutual understanding across borders.
The practice of maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship with technology and social media, with a focus on mental health and well-being.
"Social Media First Aid Train the Trainer" is a training program where people learn to become trainers in social media first aid. This involves teaching them how to respond to online crises, like cyberbullying and harmful content, and equipping them to train others in these skills. It's a way to spread expertise in handling online emergencies within different communities and organizations.
The practice of partnering with social media influencers to promote a product or service to their followers.
The act of using social media to harass, track, or monitor someone without their consent.
Social Media Harm Reduction involves strategies to minimize the negative effects of social media, like cyberbullying and misinformation, by educating users, protecting privacy, promoting responsible behavior, and supporting those affected. It aims to make online spaces safer without requiring complete avoidance of social media.
The practice of monitoring and collecting data on social media users for purposes such as marketing, surveillance, or law enforcement.
A type of manipulated media that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to create realistic but fake videos or images, often used to spread misinformation or defame individuals.
The sharing or misuse of personal information on social media platforms, leading to harm to reputation, safety, and identity.