The sharing or misuse of personal information on social media platforms, leading to harm to reputation, safety, and identity.
The practice of maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship with technology and social media, with a focus on mental health and well-being.
A button or feature on most social media platforms that allows users to subscribe to another user's content and receive updates from them.
A term used to describe shallow or performative forms of online activism on social media, such as liking or sharing posts without taking real-world action.
The practice of engaging with and managing a social media community, including responding to comments and feedback.
The responsible and ethical use of technology and social media, with respect for others' privacy and rights.
A user's personal page on a social media platform, which may include information such as a bio, profile picture, and other personal details.
A measure of how much interaction a piece of content receives on social media, including likes, shares, comments, and other forms of interaction.
Sensational or misleading headlines and content designed to attract clicks and views on social media.
The compulsive use of social media and other online platforms that can lead to negative effects on mental health, relationships, and productivity.
The practice of monitoring and controlling one's online reputation, often through the use of social media and other online channels.