Social Media Awareness Dictionary


Short Definition

What is trending? In a general sense, trending refers to what is popular or fashionable at a given point in time. When it comes to the internet and social media, trending usually refers to topics or hashtags that are being talked about by a lot of people at the same time. Trending topics can be about anything – from current events and news stories, to celebrities and pop culture. If you’re wondering how something starts trending, it can be hard to pinpoint exactly how it happens. A trend can start with just one person or one tweet, and then quickly gain traction as more and more people join in on the conversation. Once a topic starts trending, it can be difficult to stop – even if the original reason for talking about it has long since passed. Why do we care about what’s trending? For some of us, it’s simply because we like to be up-to-date on current affairs and pop culture. For others, following trends can be a way to feel connected to a larger community or group of people. And for some, it’s simply because they find the whole concept of trends fascinating. Whatever your reason for caring about trending topics, there’s no denying that they have a big impact on our lives – both online and offline.

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