The activity, commonly known as the "Fire Challenge," refers to the dangerous practice of applying flammable liquids onto one's body and then igniting them while capturing the act on video. This reckless trend has gained traction on social media platforms, where participants eagerly share their fiery stunts with an audience hungry for shocking content. The aftermath videos are often uploaded to various social media sites for maximum exposure and attention. However, this hazardous behavior has not gone unnoticed by responsible individuals such as firefighters, police officers, and media sources who have been quick to condemn it. They have spoken out against the Fire Challenge in hopes of dissuading others from attempting it due to its inherently harmful nature. Despite these warnings and concerns raised by experts, a TikTok variant emerged in 2021 that involves drawing shapes on bare skin using any flammable substance like alcohol before setting it ablaze - resulting in similarly devastating consequences as the original challenge itself.